Updated: 3 August 2021
Greetings! |
Hello everyone. In the effort to keep the band as safe as possible in light of the new Delta variant of COVID, the board has passed a new masking policy that will effect every member. You will be asked to leave if you enter rehearsal wearing bandanas, masks with slits cut into them, or any other product NOT manufactured to be used with a musical instrument. This policy will take effect Tuesday, August 17, 2021. If for any reason you have not received your gear by 8/17/21, you must wait to return to rehearsals until it has been received. You will find links below to different sites to purchase from. If you are unable for any reason to buy any of this equipment in part or full, please reach out to me via email/text/phone and I will get you the equipment you need anonymously. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or complaints, please reach out to me by email, text or phone. Best to you all, Michael Langston 270-816-2271 The policy for indoor rehearsals/concerts is now this: *Everyone wears a mask when entering and exiting rehearsals/concerts *Everyone wears a mask when playing *Only non-vaccinated woodwinds are required to have an instrument bag *Every instrument with a bell must have a bell cover and filter in the bell cover *All percussion personnel must wear a mask indoors *Directors will wear a mask on the podium The policy for outdoor rehearsals/concerts is this: *No masks required *No instrument bags/bell covers required Brass and Woodwind playing masks: https://www.shopnemc.com/product/Wind3-Wind-Instrument-Mask/Safety-Gear https://www.shopnemc.com/product/The-Instrument-Mask/Safety-Gear https://www.gatorcases.com/gbom-series-face-mask/ https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Musicians-Mask-p/3070020.htm https://torpedobags.com/product/chop-slots/ Bell Covers: https://www.shopnemc.com/product/13562/Safety-Gear https://www.gatorcases.com/gbellcvr-series-bell-cover/ https://torpedobags.com/product/bell-covers/ https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Instrument-Bell-Cover-p/3070010.htm French Horn bell covers with sleeve: https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Instrument-Bell-Cover-French-Horn-p/3070019.htm Filter inserts for bell covers: https://www.shopnemc.com/product/13569/Safety-Gear https://www.gatorcases.com/gbellcvr-series-bell-filter/ Instrument Bags: Flute: https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Flute-Cover-p/3070017.htm Clarinet/Oboe: https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Clarinet-Cover-p/3070015.htm Alto/Tenor Sax: https://www.mccormicksnet.com/Saxophone-Instrument-Cover-p/3070016.htm |